Care Services

Prenatal and postnatal services are provided by most German insurances.

Care in Pregnancy
I offer care in pregnancy alongside your Frauenarzt. Once you have made contact with me I will arrange a booking appointment which is carried out at your house. This appointment includes:
Taking a medical history
If applicable discussing previous pregnancies
Discussing prenatal screening where needed
Different options for birth: hospital, geburtshaus or home delivery
Options for childbirth preparation classes
Exercise and diet in pregnancy.
Where possible I like to meet with the pregnant lady at least once or twice in the pregnancy. I am happy to offer antenatal checks, if the Frauenarzt is unable to do a check.
Post Natal Care
Care Post Delivery
When you return from hospital after the birth of your baby I make regular house visits. Care provided includes:
Care of the Baby
Observe the general well being of the baby
Care of the cord
Help with feeding (breast or bottle feeding)
Help with first bath of your baby
Teach techniques to help soothe your baby and relieve gas
Care of the Mother
Monitoring general well being of the mother both physical and emotional
Checking that the uterus is involuting
Control of wound healing -from either vaginal delivery or cesarian section
Assisting with breastfeeding and supporting and advising with any difficulties
Early postnatal exercises to include the pelvic floor and abdomen